brand mission


more than organic.

It is no coincidence that the brand has chosen this as its tagline. ‘more than organic.’ is designed to illustrate that ‘only’ using organic cotton is not enough to achieve sustainability. Rather, sustainability concerns all stages of the value chain, as well as, in our eyes, how we operate with our suppliers, customers and employees.

For wunderwerk it is pivotal that

1.   fashion should be contemporary and go hand in hand with the latest trends and the fashion zeitgeist – irrespective of whether it’s about the designs, qualities or colours.
2.   Other stages in the value chain are just as important: e.g. the use of chemicals in the manufacture of denim finishes/used effects, through to bleaching and the use of non-toxic dyes, proofing substances, resins and plasticisers.

MORE: Where, for example, the raw material for a ‘normal’ viscose derives from wood, but the chemicals used are hazardous for the environment and damaging to skin, we can hardly talk about a sustainable fabric – nor about a ‘natural fibre’. A salad containing ingredients that are not organic (vinegar, oil, salt and pepper) cannot be sold as ‘organic’, no matter how well-certified the provenance of the salad leaves, fennel and radishes might be.

wunderwerk’s aspirations are measured in terms of the well-being of nature, animals and people. Fair, transparent and consistent. The entire value chain is important in the production of a fair, sustainable product. ‘more than organic.’ articulates precisely this essential process and demonstrates that fashion and sustainability are not contradictory in nature.


Establishing the brand (final)

wunderwerk’s name was chosen to convey an unmistakeable message from its founder, Heiko Wunder: “In the future, there will only be sustainable fashion and organic, etc. will be seen as self-evident”.

Heiko Wunder spent many years working in positions of responsibility at international fashion companies, where he was able to gather and put into practice the valuable experience he gained in areas such as design, production, social responsibility and sustainability.

An early desire to create a fashion collection with a clear conscience consequently led him, in 2012, to create his own label based on uncompromising sustainability. The vision became a brand: Rheinstoff GmbH & Co. KG was founded with the wunderwerk brand.

wunderwerk stands for social and commercial responsibility, treating the environment with respect and making a credible statement in terms of zeitgeist, fashion and stylish design.


Brand Mission

Das Düsseldorfer Label wunderwerk spricht trendorientierte Frauen und Männer an, die es verstehen Mode und Nachhaltigkeit bewusst zu verbinden. Der Stil ist metropolitan ausgerichtet, eher clean und cool, ohne große Logos oder auffälligem branding. 

wunderwerk überzeugt nicht nur als Modelabel mit „nachhaltigen" Hintergrund, sondern als „Lovemark“ und begeistert die Kunden emotional für die Marke. Dabei gilt es die neuesten Trends stilgerecht gemäß der Markenpositionierung zu übersetzen und nicht nur für ein eco-Label Maßstäbe zu setzen. 

Die Produktion ist darauf ausgerichtet in Einklang mit der Umwelt, Mensch und Tier zu funktionieren, also möglichst keine umweltbelastenden Gifte und Schadstoffe einzusetzen und somit auch zu vermeiden, dass Mensch, Tier und Umwelt damit in Verbindung gelangen.

„Plastics“ werden hier genauso weitestgehend vermieden, wie recyclete Baumwolle oder erdölbasierte Qualitäten, da diese häufig deutlich stärker belastet sind und das Recyclen häufig einen immensen Mehrverbrauch an Energie benötigt.

Die Marke produziert einen Großteil seiner Produkte innerhalb der EU/ Europa, bietet ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und wird nur selektiv über ausgewählte Fachhändler, eigenen Retail Stores und Online vertrieben.

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